Sunfood Goji Berries (1 Pound)

Was: $109.88
Now: $54.94
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Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, are one of the most nutritionally-rich fruits on the planet. Praised for thousands of years in Asia for health benefits including longevity, vitality, and energy, goji berries are now being celebrated in Western cultures for their superfood potential. A good source of potassium, iron, and selenium, they also have B vitamins, calcium, zinc, fiber and even protein. With a flavor resembling a combination of cherries & cranberries, goji berries are a delicious superfood you can enjoy in a number of ways. Our organic, non-GMO Goji Berries are carefully cultivated and harvested, then sun-dried to maintain their potent raw qualities. To ensure complete purity, we have our gojis independently tested to be free of pesticides and heavy metals. When compared to other brands, Sunfood Goji Berries are juicy, moist, sweet, and full-bodied just the way they should be.