Red Bottlebrush Tree | Large Gallon Size Container | Callistemon Citrinus Red Cluster

Was: $153.86
Now: $76.93
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This bottlebrush shrub variety can be grown as a large bush or a small single-trunk or multi-trunk tree. A Red Cluster bottlebrush works very well as a specimen tree for a yard with limited space. Its upright rounded crown can be easily kept in check for a manicured look. The flower spikes shaped like a bottle brush appear on and off all year - more in warmer months - and attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Red cluster bottlebrush tree at corner of a house A great landscape accent plant, this bottlebrush tree is perfect for the corner of the house or near the entry - though not too near, honeybees love the red flowers. The soft-textured foliage is evergreen and the plant is moderately salt-tolerant. It's also said to be deer-resistant, though nothing is deer-proof.