Real Milk Paint, Crackle Paint Finish for Milk Paint, Use on Wood, and Drywall, Water Based, 8 oz.

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Now: $56.28
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Real Milk Paint Natural Crackle

Real Milk Paint Natural Crackle can be applied to a variety of surfaces including; wood, paints, varnish, metal, glass, drywall, and previously painted surfaces. Natural Crackle dries to a satin sheen. The quick drying formula makes it great to apply to milk paint for furniture, wooden cabinet paint, home, and kitchen decor paint. Use Crackle Paint to achieve an antique look on craft paint for home wood painting projects. 

Easy to Use

Natural crackle is easy to use, simply apply a base coat over pre-painted furniture. Allow to dry and apply your Milk Paint color over the Natural Crackle. Seal with an oil base coat such as Pure Tung Oil, Dark Raw Tung Oil, varnish, wax, or lacquers.