Outsidepride Rudbeckia Hirta Black-eyed Susan Flower Seed - 1 LB

Was: $129.88
Now: $64.94
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Rudbeckia hirta is commonly referred to as Black-eyed Susan and is a popular flower that is grown for its large, daisy-like blooms and long bloom season. Black-eyed Susan is a familiar wildflower that is native to the United States. Rudbeckia is especially beautiful when grown in mass groupings. They like sun and regular watering to perform their best. They make nice flowers for cutting. Add them to a wildflower garden and enjoy their striking golden blooms. The butterflies will enjoy them too! Rudbeckia seed can started directly outdoors after danger of frost has passed. Prepare a seedbed by loosening the top 2 inches of soil and weeding. Press the seed gently into the soil but do not cover it. Keep seed moist until germination. With a temperature of 70F, germination is usually within 30 days. Space the plants 12 - 18 inches apart. Grow in full sun and in well-draining soil. Rudbeckia is usually resistant to deer. Deadheading encourages continuous blooming.