Outsidepride Lavender Sancho Panza - 100 Seeds

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Now: $34.94
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Lavandula stoechas is a long-blooming favorite of gardeners everywhere. It likes a position in full sun with fast-draining soil. This variety, Sancho Panza, reaches 12 - 16 inches in height and forms a nicely rounded plant that is covered with purple bloom spikes that are 4 – 5 inches. On each spike are flowers that measure 1 – 2 inches across and have a lovely scent that is attractive to bees and butterflies. It works well in flower beds, gardens, and in containers. Sancho Panza is a perennial in zones 8 – 10, but will quickly grow as an annual in cooler zones. Lavender is usually resistant to both deer and rabbits. In the spring, start the seed indoors 8 - 10 weeks before the last expected frost. Press the seed into the soil, cover the seed very lightly, and keep it moist. With a temperature of 68F, germination is normally within 21 days. After danger of frost has passed, transplant the seedlings outdoors and space the plants 16 inches apart.