Outsidepride Columbine Eastern Red 1000 Seeds

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Now: $31.44
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Aquilegia canadensis, or Columbine, is a well-known and popular perennial that is very attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. The foliage is lacey looking and bluish green in color. This variety, Eastern Red, is native to the United States, and it has bell-shaped flowers of red with a yellow corolla. The bloom season is late spring through the first of summer, and after the blooms are spent, cut the plant back, and the foliage still adds an attractive ground cover. These perennials add beauty to meadows, woodlands, and look wonderful in natural settings. Columbines prefer full sun to partial shade and rich well-drained soil. They are hardy plants, and they are usually resistant to deer. Start the seeds directly outside in a sunny location in early spring. The cold temperatures help to break the dormancy of the seed. Use 3 – 4 seeds per plant and space them about 16 inches apart, press the seed into soil but do not cover it and keep the seed moist. Once temperatures warm, around 68F, germination is usually within 28 days. In areas with a late spring, the seed can be started indoors 6 – 8 weeks before the last frost is expected and transplanted outside when frost danger has passed. Columbines readily reseed themselves.