Miss Lemon Abelia (2.5 Quart) Flowering Evergreen with Variegated Foliage and Pink Blooms - Full Sun to Part Shade Live Outdoor Plant - Southern Living Plants

Was: $107.84
Now: $53.92
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Miss Lemon Abelia is a delightful and vibrant addition to the Southern Living Plant Collection. This striking ornamental shrub features glossy, golden-yellow foliage that brings a burst of color to your garden. Its leaves are narrow and elegant, creating a stunning contrast with other plants. Typically, it reaches a mature size of approximately 2 to 3 feet in height and 3 to 4 feet in width. Its growth habit is mounded and dense, creating a neat and well-structured appearance in your garden.The relatively compact size of Miss Lemon Abelia makes it suitable for a variety of landscaping uses, including borders, foundation plantings, mass plantings, and container gardening. In late summer and fall, it produces small, fragrant white flowers that attract pollinators, adding to its charm.