Kiddie Play Supermarket Playhouse Kids Play Tent for Boys & Girls Indoor Outdoor Toy

Was: $97.68
Now: $48.84
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The Kiddie Play Supermarket Play Tent can fit up to 4 kids at once. Your child can play his or her toys inside, play hide and seek, or use it as a ball pit by adding plenty of play balls.

It is so easy to open up, simply attach the plastic tubes together to create the frame, then slide the fabric down on top of the frame. No tools are needed. Includes an optional floor to insert at the bottom. Great when using outdoors. All is ready to play and have fun. And when it comes to storage, you can disassemble it the same way you opened it, just the other way round.

A few children can play inside at the same time. It is measured 37" long x 28" wide x 40.3" high.

The way to get in and out of this play tent is through the 2 back and front doors. The door can be kept open by tying it to the sides.

Flexible and Strong

The Material is 100% polyester fabric and plastic tubes frame.

To clean the tent use a damp cloth.