Hex Dumbbell Rubber Encased Dumbbell Strength Training Hex Dumbbell, Hand Weight For Workout & Exercise/Pair of 8LB

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Now: $62.94
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HANDBODE Hex Dumbbell Rubber Hex Dumbbells are one of the most versatile pieces of strength equipment you could have in your home gym, they allow you to focus on every muscle group in your body, and provide an efficient workout in any space. The ergonomic handles are chrome plated, provide protection from corrosion. Rubber head helps prevent damage to flooring or exercise mats Hexagon-shaped head is ideal for workouts ranging from traditional strength training to bodybuilding. Great for circuit training, provides a stable foundation for exercises like dumbbell plank rows and pushups. 5 Advantages Of Dumbbells 1. Increased Stabilisation and Muscle Activation. 2. Identifies and Eliminates Strength Imbalances. 3. Better Awareness About Injury Prevention. 4. More Freedom of Movement. 5. Versatile and Effective. Note: It is normal to have some oil on dumbbell to prevent it from oxidizing. The New Rubber Dumbbell do have some rubber smell, the odor will dissipate after a period of time.