Easy Elegance Roses - Rosa Super Hero (Rose) Rose, red flowers, #2 - Size Container

Was: $113.56
Now: $56.78
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ROSA EE `SUPER HERO` (Northern Hardy) If your landscape is looking for a savior, 'Super Hero' is your plant! More than a great rose, 'Super Hero' is a low care, very rewarding flowering shrub that will thrill you with its landscape heroics from late May through September. With its everblooming nature, strong resistance to disease and spectacular, bright red, Hybrid Tea-like flowers, this plant begs to be the center of attention and always delivers in the clutch when planted in any full sun location with moist, well-drained soil. 'Super Hero' won't limit its good deeds to the garden... its bloom is perfect for cutting and bringing in the house to help make your home a better place to live, too!