Ceramic 8 Inch Tall Head Planter Pot. Self Watering Face Planter Pot w Removable Inner Pot. White Face Vase Planter Head Flower Pot. Use as Head Vase or Matte White Ceramic Planter. Large 6 Inch Wide

Was: $103.84
Now: $51.92
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We all love cute planters… but what do we love more? Stylish and practical self watering planters and pots, with a perfectly fitting inner nursery pot with drainage, for your favorite plant! Our Willow & Muse indoor planter pots with drainage have been designed by plant lovers, for plant lovers! This white ceramic plant pot comes with a removable plastic nursery pot, that sits in the upper part of the face planter, allowing easily switching around of your face pots, making home decor and styling a breeze.