Blue Daze | 1 Large Gallon Size Plant | Evolvulus Glomerata | Low Maintenance Drought Tolerant Blooming Groundcover

Was: $153.86
Now: $76.93
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Blue Daze loves hot weather, in fact, the hotter the better! It will perform best in full sun and needs to be protected from even light frost. It is drought tolerant, once it is established. Plants do need to be watered well for several weeks during root establishment. While the plants can withstand drought conditions, growth and flowering are better with consistent moisture. Deadheading is unnecessary. A good dose of compost or slow release fertilizer will improve performance. Blue Daze is a dwarf cultivar of morning glory. The true blue flowers and fuzzy, silvery-green foliage are very heat tolerant, making it a great addition to southern gardens, No dead-heading required to keep it blooming all summer. Blooms will close in the afternoon. Plant in average garden soils with average moisture. Once established it can tolerate some drought. Use as a ground cover or in containers and hanging baskets in full sun. Maintain moderate to dry soil moisture. Allow the soil to cycle from moist to dry. Avoid both severe dry downs/wilting and long periods of wet soil, especially with cooler temperatures, lower light conditions, and higher humidity levels. Blue Daze is a good example of better breeding. Blue Daze has a controlled habit that is not leggy or lanky. Stems rise up off the ground to give a little height to the blue flowers. It has superior blooming vigor, giving us a much better carpet of dead-on true blue. For that matter, it has better vigor in general, and survivability in the garden, than the usual Evolvulus.