Amazing Creation Stackable Planter Vertical Garden for Growing Strawberries Herbs Flowers Vegetables and Succulents Indoor Outdoor 5 Tier Gardening Tower Hanging Planter Terracotta

Was: $129.88
Now: $64.94
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If you love growing your own strawberries, vegetables, herbs, flowers and greens and vegetables, this vertical planter is the perfect fit for you, making it easy to create a mini garden in 2 feet of vertical space. Easy to set up and maintain, this planter will take away the worry of over watering or root rot. Just water the top tier, and water will drip down to the last tier, ensuring that all your plants are evenly watered. The bottom drip tray will hold any excess water making sure you don't make a mess when keeping the planter inside.This is a great kit for any gardener Use the chain provided to hang the planter. Finally, Gardening Made Easy!